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Performing at our highest level in life, is living a beautiful and fulfilled life: THIS is BlackBeltBeauty.

Mar 29, 2018

Juli Keene is a LEGIT wealth of knowledge in the area of diet, nutrition and wellness.

She is a clinical nutritionist with a degree in bio-chemistry and over 25 years of experience in the arena of healthcare. What I love so much about Juli in addtion to her knowledge is her straight-forward, no "sugar coating" (pun...

Mar 23, 2018

This Instasode is from a #BlackBeltBeauty instagram post that was based around the idea & value in training the energy of courage within us, just like a muscle- by flexing it on the daily so that we keep it strong and growing. This 13 minute episode amplifies the post that reads "Courage is a mental muscle that...

Mar 14, 2018

Andrea Navedo is a talented TV/Film actress a mother of 2, a dreamer, a believer & a MAKE IT HAPPEN- kind of woman. She is an active advocate of a living a healthy, positive + inspired life which is easily visible to all that witness her. She is a beautiful expression of a woman that demonstrates the power in living a...

Mar 10, 2018

This Solosode is inspired by the energy that can come over all of us by the end of the week- TIRED. In this Solosode I talk about the dance between "doing" + "being"; knowing when it's time to say, enough for now, hit pause + honor your mind/body's request to chill out in order to avoid becoming burnt out.  It's 15...