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Performing at our highest level in life, is living a beautiful and fulfilled life: THIS is BlackBeltBeauty.

Dec 31, 2020

Today we’re celebrating 3 epic years of #BlackBeltBeauty.

We’re here. Focused. Determined. And going forward stronger than ever.

In this new episode, I bring on my BlackBeltBeauty wing-woman Margie Daley. Margie is my right hand in this incredible adventure that is building BlackBeltBeauty. She is devoted to...

Dec 23, 2020

This week’s amazing guest is Lisa Wimberger.

Lisa is the founder of Neurosculpting and co-founder of NeuroPraxis….and her story behind her work is incredibly profound.

On her 15th birthday, Lisa underwent a rare trauma experience of being struck by lightning directly on the base of her spine. With it being such a...

Dec 10, 2020

Amanda Basham is a professional trail runner and endurance coach with a Bachelor of Science degree from Oregon State University. She’s coached endurance athletes for 10 years in everything from 5k - 200 miles. She discovered long-distance running in the midst of battling an eating disorder. She discovered that she had...